

I need a Mistress


miniskirt other details
  • Seeking:
  • Marital Status:
    Single Never Married
  • Height:
    5ft 8in, (173cm)
  • Ethnicity:
  • Religion:
  • Physical Appearance:
    Very good looking
  • Eye Color:
  • Hair Color:
  • Exercise:
  • Body Type:
    Extra Pounds
  • Languages:
  • Have Kids:
  • Want (more) Kids:
  • Smoker:
  • Drinker:
  • Education:
    Some College
  • Occupation:
    Finance / Investor / Accounting
  • Employment:
    Self Employed
  • Annual Income:
    More Than $150,000USD
  • Net Worth:
  • Favorite Music:
  • Willing To Relocate:
    Not at all
  • My Match:
    A strict disciplinarian who will require that I perform humiliating tasks for her amusement on a daily basis and make me her sex slave.
  • Role:
  • How do you Identify?:
  • About Me:
    I do like a dominating strict wife who is boss and sexually I am turned on if she uses me as her personal sex slave. So that there's no misunderstanding I am referring to oral-service
    wherever she requires, face slapping and hair-pulling when I'm bad or simple over the knee spanking.
    The only thing I ask is that I control my money and possessions as I have a financial plan for
    us and as Taurus, it's very important to carry this out for our future and for the kids.
    I am a futures trader who has been in research for three and a half years to determine the codes that the billionaires use. I have been managing my money and cutting back to get through this period where income was short or nonexistent. I spend time reading to learn about investing and business and have a 96y.o. mom who lives one town north of me who I love and visit often(at least three times per week).
    In the past, I was a chef in Boston, but the drinking got the best of me and I was forced to change occupation and therefore have not had a drink since 1990. I also quit smoking many years ago so I don't have those vices anymore. It's fair to tell you facts about my present reality. I am 67 and therefore old enough to be your father. I have had psoriasis since I was 12 and keep it pretty much under control using creams and that is partly why I chose to live in Florida which has a semi-tropical climate.
    When I have to wear clothes over my skin it gets worse. I also have a male prostate which has enlarged.
    This is normal at my age but it causes me to get up sometimes twice a night to pee. There is a medication for this but it comes with a risk of side effects like impotence or erectile dysfunction. If you can deal with all of that then we should learn more about each other and proceed. I can be found at G mail known as esslash but please say you're from fetdig or else you may go to spam.
  • My Interests:
    swimming, computers, trading, walks, investments, bdsm
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